Btw if you want a warmer look, use gold Mylar, or just spray paint it with gold metallic paint.

Reflectors are a fantastic way to control the lighting in your photosplus, they’re very cheap, not to mention easy to carry around. No need for the string, but the metal won't store flat like the poster board or plastic board. adjustable reflector panels that can be moved, locked and held at any angle without the panel arms slipping. Reflectors in Photography by Jaymes Dempsey Updated JIf you want to become a more versatile, creative photographer, then learning to use a reflector is one of the best decisions you could ever make. Clamp it to your C-stand grip or use a super clamp or an A clamp. Once you have the shape, cover it with the Mylar or spray paint it with silver metallic paint, or just use it as is if its shiny enough.
One other approach is to get a sheet of thin flat metal that is still rigid (like aluminum) and bend it gently over a curved surface, like a large pot, a barrel or a trash can. Download this stock image: photography, lastolite triflector three part photographic reflector - CMT8WJ from Alamys library of millions of high resolution. I actually used string trimmer line with some large round beads as the stops with a couple more in the line glued with Gorilla glue. You can hold it yourself, have an assistant hold it, have your subject hold it, lean it on something or buy a stand made specifically to hold it. You can staple the Mylar or duct tape it. There are just about as many ways to use a reflector as there are reflector options. You can also use plastic board for a more robust unit. recognized throughout the world, especially by photographers who got to Lastolite by their first for our original product, the collapsible Reflector. Clamp the reflector to a grip on a C-stand. The Triflector MkII reflector is widely used in makeover and fashion shoots because of the distinctive catch lights the subject receives to the eyes. Once you have the curve you want, tie another nail in the monofilament to set the curve. Cut a slot in the opposite end and slide in the monofilament pull the poster board into a curve. Cut a small slit in one of the short end of the poster board and slide the monofilament in, pulling the nail tight against it. Take the monofilament and tie a one end it a 10 penny nail. Home Depot or Lowes has the Mylar in the insulation dept. The eye lighter can be replicated with some posterboard, some reinforced silver Mylar, and some monofilament. Lastolite by Manfrotto - Perfect for makeovers and fashion shots Gives distinctive catchlight to the eyes Weighs just over 1Kg The Manfrotto light reflector.